Myofascial Ball Techniques

for Trauma Release

Download your free guide & excerpt from my book "DYNAMIC SPIRAL YIN FASCIAL YOGA: A Trauma Informed Guide For Women’s Embodiment," and start your journey to somatic trauma healing, body reclamation, and spiritual awakening.

Transformative Practices for Healing

Discover the powerful techniques Beta Gaiana developed through extensive research and personal practice. This guide provides an introduction to Myofascial Ball Techniques, where you'll learn the basics of these effective tools for deep healing.

The techniques offer immediate benefits such as physical relief by releasing tension, enhancing grounding, flexibility, and stress relief, and emotional healing by alleviating pent-up emotions, promoting mental clarity, and supporting overall emotional well-being.

  • Pubic Band (Mooladhara): Discover how to effectively release tension in the perineum area to enhance grounding and stability.
  • Inguinal Band (Swadhistana): Techniques to relieve tension around the sacro-iliac joint and hip area, promoting flexibility and emotional release.
  • Diaphragmatic Band (Manipura): Methods to alleviate stress in the diaphragm, improving breathing and releasing pent-up emotions.
  • Thoracic Band (Anahata): Instructions on easing tension in the chest area, enhancing heart chakra energy and emotional openness.
  • Cervical Band (Vishudda): Techniques to relax the neck and shoulders, supporting clear communication and reducing stress.
  • Oral Band (Vishudda): Innovative methods to relieve jaw tension, aiding in relaxation and emotional release.
  • Ocular Band (Ajna): Simple steps to alleviate eye strain and promote mental clarity and focus.

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The Author

Beta Gaiana Lisboa is an expert in somatic trauma healing and Yin Fascial Yoga. Her comprehensive book has guided thousands of women in reclaiming their bodies and awakening their spiritual growth. With her extensive experience and unique techniques, Beta is here to support you every step of the way.